Sunday, April 22, 2012

Words and Surprises

It has been several weeks since I have updated my blog.  We have been working on several more projects that I will post about when they are finished.  In the meantime, I want to show you something wonderful that my neighbor did to her front stairway.  

We have this fun thing between us that whenever we do something in each of our homes, we have a BIG REVEAL!  I closed my eyes, she took my hand and led me through the doorway.  When she said, "ready", I then opened my eyes and this is what I saw:

I was so surprised.  Isn't is beautiful! This is what I saw when I opened my eyes.  It makes such a grand statement when you walk into her foyer.  Usually we talk to each other about decorating ideas but she really kept this a secret until the BIG REVEAL.  Her cat at the top of the stairs makes the picture look so cute too. 
This wasn't all she had done.  When I turned around to face her living room, there were more words.  

Don't you just love this chair!  It is so chic.

Several weeks ago during our spring break, we had a "girl's day out".  We spent the entire day browsing through so many stores looking for deals.  Our last stop was at Tuesday Morning.  I was on the opposite side of the store when I heard her calling my name.  She found an ottoman and we both fell in love with it.  I have been looking for an ottoman of some kind to put under my sofa table but I was afraid this one was too wide. My friend didn't really know if it would fit in her living room either so after much deliberation, we both walked away.  You can imagine my surprise when I turned my head toward her living room and there was THE OTTOMAN!

She went back to Tuesday Morning and bought it.  It is so stunning and goes so well with her new chair.

  It is amazing how just a few little touches can really change a room.  There is more that she has done so come back later and I will share them with you.